Domus Line Flexyled SE H4, 12 Watt, 12 Volt DC, 1000mm module in Natural White
Product Details
- Made in Italy to comply with Australian Standards
- Side-emitting flexible LED strip
- Recessed installation in 4mm wide by 10mm deep groove
- Pre-wired from both ends and can be cut to size every 25mm (every 3 LEDs)
- Once cut, further modules cannot be added
- Modules are pre-fitted with power supply cables and connectors
- IP44 rating means that Flexyled SE H4 is protected from impact and splashes of water
- Maximum 3 lineal metres in one run
- 120 LEDs per metre
- 12 Volt, 12W per metre
- No separate power supply cable required
Line Drawings

Technical Info


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